HELLO 2010!

"Leave the Baggage, the Benevolence and the Bullsh*t in 2009.... We're better than we've EVER been & READY for 2k10 ♥"

Happy 2k10 to all of our lovely readers of The MOB Lifestyle! Hope everyone enjoyed bringing in the New Year! We did because we were with each other of course :). For the New Year we wish everyone a prosperous year filled with good health & wealth. Us Most Officials don't really have much of a resolution but continuing on our path to success, and also not allowing what other people think or their views of us determine our future,outcome, and life. Only God can judge US!

For 2010 all we ask is less talking & more action in any & every aspect from a lot of people. . the end will justify the means!

x and o's. .

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