Theme of the Week: Hair!

This week, I'm focusing on hair products and tools.  When it comes to doing my hair, I am a complete and total mess.  I know how to apply makeup and use skin care products, but there's something about doing my hair that makes me crazy.  I can never get my hair to look right, no matter how hard I try.  In fact, the harder I try the worse it often looks.  It's maddening!

Here's a question for you: What are your best hair styling tips?  What would you tell a person like me, who is completely useless and in major need of some hair help?  I'd love to hear what you have to say, so leave me a comment!

In the coming days, I'll be highlighting a few tools and products for your hair.  For now, I leave you with a few fun quotes:

If truth is beauty, how come no one has their hair done in a library?
~Lily Tomlin

Gray hair is a blessing - ask any bald man.
~Author Unknown

Experience is a comb which nature gives us when we are bald.

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