1. I don't receive any type of payment for writing and reviewing beauty products or providing links for you to go that specific product website. If someday I'm endorsing a product and receiving money for it, you can be sure I'm doing it because I believe in such product and more important, I will stay clearly that it is a paid endorsement.
2. I review products based on its claims and my experience with them. Everybody is different. Please read my disclaimer at the bottom end of this blog. All I can provide you guys is my honest opinion.
3. I only have a contract and receive monetary compensation from TotalBeauty.com, a beauty website. They provide and manage the ads and "beauty bubbles" (beauty articles) you see here. They don't necessarily represent or are in accordance with my opinions.
4. TotalBeauty sometimes sends products for their beauty bloggers to try and write about them (the good and the bad). They do not pay me for such reviews. In my case, I've received only one to date: the L'oreal Telescopic Explosion Mascara I reviewed (and really liked...yeah) recently.
5. If I ever hold a contest/giveaway here endorsed by an specific company, I will inform to you such thing very clearly.
Look, the bottom line here is that if any person gets paid for writing about, showing, presenting, discussing, raving and/or whatever about a product, they must state such thing very clearly so readers are duly informed.
Please note: I'm not against about bloggers (or think less of them) who get paid for endorsing products and showing them to you. The only thing is the reader must be aware and informed about that fact. Hey, in this tough times that is a nice way to do business.
It's always been my goal to keep you, my readers, very clear (crystal!) about what you read/see here. My integrity does not have a price. I think the FTC guide really help bloggers and others to establish a great relationship with their readers/viewers.
Hope you all are having a nice weekend!
¡Vivan, amen y rĂan!