ANTM's Finally Over...So What?

Well thank god that's over. The most recent "cycle" of the increasingly irrelevant America's Next Top Model finally came to an end last night. And who was the fiercest model of them all? Saleisha.


I'm sorry, but this latest batch of model-wannabes left me cold. The only one I really liked was Heather, the girl with Asperger's syndrome who took amazing photos but who didn't have the personality to make it as an ANTM winner. I knew she was doomed from the start, and that we'd end up with some completely nondescript, personality free ANTM champ.

Saleisha certainly fits the boring and safe mold. But I must say I'm glad she beat out that ultra-blonde Barbie girl who had all the polish of sandpaper.


At least now we won't have to sit through those horrific "My Life as a Cover Girl" spots with Jaslene. Listening to her made me want to gouge my ears out. She sounded like a deaf transvestite. Being a spokes model just ain't her thing.

Ok--my bitchiness is over. I just hope the next cycle has a little more, I don't know, personality? Excitement? Suspense? This cycle left me feeling like I had just gulped down a few Tylenol PMs. BORING!

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