How to pronounce...

Ahahaha, I'm always looking for the correct writing or pronunciation of words in English (and to be honest, also my native Spanish language) because, yes, I make mistakes (*surprise*). I see many YouTubers and bloggers like me saying "I don't know if I'm pronouncing it correctly, I'm sorry" --Well, now we can all practice, LOL!!

I found this "free online talking dictionary" that helps with the correct English pronunciation of various words:

Here's the correct pronunciation of some department store brands like Guerlain and Givenchy, which are the two brands I found most difficult to pronounce:

Givenchy, Guerlain, Chanel, etc...(roll your mouse over the pink words)

I love saying Givenchy (zhee-vawn-she) heheehee.

PSSSTT...Yep, I posted this for fun and hey, I can assure you I will impress a few people when my perfect (well, almost) pronunciation.  XD

¡Vivan, amen y rĂ­an!

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