More Human Than Human

Happy Monday! I use Twitter somewhat regularly and follow all sorts of people. The other day, I came across this Twitpic from Perez Hilton and had to laugh. It's just too funny...and too sad.

Photoshopping and retouching is rampant in advertising. And I'm sick of it. I'm tired of seeing PR shots for Sex and the City with Carrie and Co. looking more like aliens than middle-aged women. I'm frustrated by mascara ads where the models are obviously wearing multiple sets of fake lashes. I'm weary of being told that already impossible to attain standards of female beauty have now been replaced by perfection. I am a real woman. I cannot compete with photoshopped freaks...nor do I want to.

What's your take on photoshopped pictures? Do they annoy you? Would you rather see perfection instead of reality? Leave me a comment and let me know.

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