4 Years...For What?

Sadly, today marks the 4th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq. While we could sit here and argue about whether or not we should be involved in this war or when the US should leave, we should take a moment to consider its costs:
  • 3,218 US soldiers killed (2,937 died in the 9/11 attacks)
  • 23,417 US soldiers injured
  • 59,000-65,000 estimated number of Iraqi civilians killed
  • $400+ billion estimated cost of the war (your tax dollars at work)
Whether we support this war or not (and if you read my blog regularly, you can probably guess what side of the argument I'm on), the one thing we all need to agree on is that the Iraq war veterans deserve our full support. My father-in-law was in active duty, and if I were the queen of the world, I would give all vets free health care for life, and no vet would have to pay for housing, an education, whatever--they've already paid a huge price for our freedom.

I'll get back to the beauty stuff soon, but I leave you with one happy date to keep in mind: 1-20-09: George Bush's last day in office. It can't come soon enough.

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