Shed Your Winter Skin

I live in the Seattle area, and we have some seriously crazy weather. A few weeks ago, it was gorgeous: the sun was shining, the temps were in the high 50s/low 60s and Spring was just around the corner. Then when Spring actually arrived, we were hit with colder temps and even a windstorm. Awesome.

Regardless of these few set backs, warmer, longer days are almost here. And that means showing more skin. I don't know about you, but in the Winter my skin gets scaly and dry. That flaky, scaliness has persisted and is still bugging me now that it's Spring.

If you're like me and need to shed the Winter scaliness, here are some hints:
  • Start from the inside out. Incorporating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants can make skin less dry by helping to lock in moisture.
  • Be smart in the shower. Using water that is too hot will only make dry skin worse. I am very guilty of taking long, hot showers, and I know my skin pays the price. It really does help to cool off the water temp at bit.
  • Lather, rinse, exfoliate. Bar soaps can really be harsh and drying, so switching over to a creamy body wash may help. Rinse in cool water and be sure to exfoliate daily.
  • Moisturize! As soon as you get out of the shower, pat yourself dry and then slather on a decent body cream. Reapply as often as needed.
Here are some of my favorite body products:

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