A Note About November

It's Monday: A new week. It's also a new month...November. November has become a funny month for me. It's a miserably dark month, but it's also my writing month.

Like thousands of otherwise sane people, I take part in NaNoWriMo--National Novel Writing Month. In the 30 days of November, I have to start and finish a novel of at least 50,000 words. I did this challenge last year and blew past my 50K goal with no problem. This year, I fear things may be different. I'm in a funny head-space lately, and I'm not particularly organized for my 50K word journey.

So...if there is a longer lag between posts here at Kiss and Makeup this month, I apologize in advance. I'm going to be glued to my laptop (if things are going well!) or I'll be pulling my hair out, agonizing over my budding novel. But I'm going to do my damnedest not to neglect the wonderful world of beauty blogging. Bare with me...things will be back to normal (whatever THAT is!) by December 1st. And who knows? Maybe you won't even notice my stress here. Ha!

Anyway, keep stopping by because I do have plenty to write about. I've been trying out tons of new products and (I hate to say this) Christmas is coming, so there's a lot of great beauty stuff headed our way!

Wish me luck--I'm off to slay word count dragons!

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