New Poll: Do you follow makeup trends in Fashion Week?

I was very happy to see the latest poll got more votes (29) than the average.  I thank those of you who share your thoughts/opinions with me.

The last poll was about bodywash vs. soap ("Do you prefer a bar of soap or a body wash when bathing?") Body wash was the winner, I guess many of you just love the benefits many body washes provide nowadays.

So, Fashion Week is here and we get to see all this fun and crazy designer outfits. Makeup is a very important part of the whole look a designer wish to show and many times they just set new trends.  I'm not too crazy about many looks I get to see on Fashion Week, but I appreciate the artistic side of them.  What about you?  Share your thoughts with me.

As always, the poll is at the left side of your screen, just below the "About me" Section.  Feel free to leave your comment on this post.

I love this lady. I don't know how she does it, but she always looks amazing with
very dramatics makeup, hair, everything. Even when she isn't wearing makeup or designer outfits she looks gorgeous.

¡Vivan, amen y rían!

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