New Year resolution! -- Makeup major overhaul

Yep, it's the New Year and you start making all kind of resolutions. In my case, I forget about them in less than a day. I'm terrible, I know. So I will stick with the ones I know I have big probabilities to! I like to check my makeup every month or so, to see if all the products are good. I even write on them the date of purchase. Check your makeup, remember: it is something you apply to your skin so yeah...better be in the best condition.
Does Your Makeup Need a New Year Makeover?

It may be time to give your product stash the update it needs

Is your cosmetics bag overflowing with dried-out mascaras, cracked eye shadows and a tube of lipstick from 2002? If so, it may be in need of an overhaul. Take this quiz to find out how much TLC it needs.

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