Update about me

Hi guys! 

Well, I know I haven't been posting many articles lately.  This time around it's because I'm taking 2 continuing education courses that are keeping me really busy during the week. I'm very happy to be attending this courses, one of them is about opening and managing a small business (surprisingly enough, I really love it! Super interesting) and the other is Energy Management--this last one takes me back to my college years when I was taking engineering courses  ||¡como ha llovido! jaja|| . 


I expect to finish the first one (small business) at the end of March and the other one... I'm not sure, maybe April or May, can't remember now. Too lazy to look for the course program now, =D

I'll try to do my best to keep posting new stuff. If you see I'm posting very sporadically, then you already know why. 

Hugs.  ¡Un abrazo!

¡Vivan, amen y rían!

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