I've Been Gone For A Minute...

missed me? =]

I apologize for not blogging for a while. I've been engaged in alot of other things but that was beneficial in many ways-because now I have a shitload of things to blog about.
First off, last Friday (March 20th, 2009) was the beginning of something that was deeply anticipated...SPRING!
Which means - No more big ass jackets (Monclers, Penfield's, Northface's, etc...). Let's try & give the Ugg's a rest people unless it's cold. Lastly no more 7 layers of clothes.
Also it's not summer yet! Shorts-no. Flip flop's-no. Tank top's with nothing over it-no.
What I would like to see is Flats, Jeans, Hoodies, Cardigan's, V-necks, Cargo pants, Leather jackets, Light scarves...you get my drift.
So to help you - I've come up with a list of Springtime necessities....

American Apparel's Unisex Fine Jersey Double-Breasted Cardigan:

American Apparel Poplin Tunic:

Sam Edelman Candela Flats:So I'm going to assume you get my point. Go out & get your spring gear ready because you know M.O.B. will be...

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