Just startin'... Hello guys! Hola!!!!!!!!

So this is my first post here! I am happy about this blog thing. I've never done anything like this b4. I normally post on various forums and MySpace. But my own Blog page? Never. So I am glad this is a first for me. And yes, it's about makeup and general beauty products for the face and body and other beauty-related stuff like health, diets, treatments, etc... And if I get excited, I'll probably stray to other topics and will end up starting a whole new blog, LOL!

You might say "yeah, another one of those makeup blogs..." and I will reply "...yeah, you're right...". Why I like all this beauty stuff? Last year, at my 35 birthday, I realized I'd spent my whole life trying to look like everybody else wanted me to, or looking what I considered was work appropriate or worse, looking like hell because I was simply depressed! I always thought makeup was for stupid girls. I am a Mech. Engineer. What was gonna people around me gonna think if they saw me with impeccable makeup? The thought of them not taking me seriously really bothered me...until I got tired of thinking about that. I was exhausted.

In 2006 I quit my job and on November of that year I finally started loosing some weight (I've been really overweight for more than 12 years). After loosing about 40 pounds, last November, on my B-Day, I decided it was time to look AND feel better with my new body. And makeup and other beauty products help!! AND IT IS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!! Gosh, how many years I've lost not having all this fun and good times. I still have to loose like a 100 pounds more (Gasp!--for real) and makeup helps me feel great during this hard process.

I cannot promise that you'll get the latest 411 on the beauty industry. I'm certainly not running to get the latest information, that's not what I'm after here. This blog will be mostly about products I use or test and then I will write my own humble opinion. Maybe I'll throw something about fashion (I'm not so good about it, btw) from time to time.

So, if you decide to stay with me after reading all this, then WELCOME!



PS. I thought I was gonna write just "Hello!" in this 1st post. ^__^ ROFL!!!!

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