Parsons - Where A Dream Starts...

So it's 90 - some odd degrees outside and I'm in front of my laptop sniffling & sneezing because i have a cold. Yeah don't ask , i have no idea how i got sick in the summer either. But i was looking over the previous posts and i saw that Stylin' made a post about the new season of ' Project Runway '. Hopefully she won't miss a single episode and will keep you guys updated every step of the way. =] Well Stylin' inspired me to do a post about the location where they shoot most of ' Project Runway ' is...of course in the ever glamorous New York City ! Here's the funny thing though...I've lived in New York City for my whole life and I've walked past Parsons: The New School For Design many times without in fact realizing what it was. One day while shopping with the girls , we walked past building in which Parsons is located & i looked up , noticed the red sign and said " Oh shit ! Yo ,That's PARSONS ! ". The blank stares i received back indicated that I'm somewhat of a jackass because they already knew.

Obviously , Parsons: The New School For Design has alot to offer. Their departments of study range from Animation to Art History to Robotics. Although , it doesn't end there.

Besides being the prime location where ' Project Runway ' is shot , the administration at Parsons knows their shit.

Here's what Parsons administration says their " mission " is :
" Parsons focuses on creating engaged citizens and outstanding artists, designers, scholars and business leaders through a design-based professional and liberal education. Parsons students learn to rise to the challenges of living, working and creative decision making in a world where human experience is increasingly designed. The school embraces curricular innovation, pioneering uses of technology, collaborative methods and global perspectives on the future of design. "

If you ever want to see the school up close , Parson's is located on West 40th St & 7th Ave " Fashion Ave. "

& if your fresh out of high school and looking for a place to start a career in fashion , click this now : Parsons The New School For Design

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