Shopping Tips You Can Use

Since I'm on Spring Break, I've been working on some spring cleaning in my kitchen. But I also took a break from pots and pans and headed to the mall to get some new things for my spring wardrobe. As I was heading over to the mall to hit up Macy's one day sale, I realized there are a lot of things I do to prepare for a day of shopping.

Here are some of my hints to make trips to the mall more successful:
  1. Take stock before leaving. If you're going to update your wardrobe, look through your closet to see what you already have, what you can work with, and what needs to be replaced. If you're shopping for makeup, take some time to clean out your makeup case to see what's missing and what needs to be thrown out.
  2. Make a list and a budget. I am a huge fan of lists and almost always have a mental list at very least. Take some time to write down specific items you're looking for. Since money is tight these days, you should also consider how much you're willing to spend for each particular item/product.
  3. Consider where you want to go. Before you even leave your house, visit store websites and search for coupons and special deals so you can stretch your money even further. Gather up all coupons, gift cards, etc. and put them in your wallet.
  4. Dress the part. If you're shopping for new clothes, you should dress comfortably. Wear clothes you can slip on and off don't want to be fooling around with complicated buttons or difficult clothing. Also wear comfortable, slip-off shoes.
  5. Consider your undergarments. I always try to wear a nude bra and undies when shopping. That way I won't be distracted by a dark bra showing through a light colored shirt when trying things on.
  6. Don't overdo your jewelry. When shopping, I wear my wedding ring and nothing else. When you're trying on a lot of different things, earrings have a tendency to fall out, and bracelets and necklaces can get in the way.
  7. Lay off the lipstick. How many times have you tried on a shirt only to find lipstick or foundation smudges on it? So annoying. Don't contribute to this problem! Makeup should be minimal to avoid the inevitable rub off. If you must wear something on your lips, go for a colorless lip balm.
  8. Keep your hands free. I love purses as much as the rest of you, but when I am doing serious clothes shopping, I don't want to have to lug around my heavy bag. Instead, I put my license, credit cards, cash, and coupons in a small wallet and stash it in my pocket. I also put all my receipts in my little wallet and then put my purchases in my trunk so I am not dragging around heavy bags from store to store.
  9. Shop alone. This approach works best for me. I can go at my own pace and not worry about someone else's shopping needs. That said, I know many of you like to shop with a friend. If you take a friend shopping and she's there only for advice and help, be nice and treat her to lunch for her time. Do you know how boring it is to watch people try on clothes? Ugh.
  10. Take care of your goods. When you get home, hang up your new stuff right away. Also check everything over once more to make sure nothing is damaged. If there are any problems, take your stuff back as soon as possible.
There you have tips for making shopping trips more successful. If you have anything you want to share, go ahead and leave a comment!

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