Great Lorac sale on Hautelook

Hautelook is having an awesome sale on LORAC Cosmetics with savings up to 80% off regular price.  E/S singles, palettes, lipsticks, glosses.  I will be checking this brand out, another first time for me, lol.  Click to go there! (this is my own personal invitation link, but membership is open to everyone).


My recs to you guys come from personal experience.  Once again, my experience with has been really great!  Once the shipping of my order got delayed and they promptly apologized and I didn't have to pay for the shipping cost. 

ETA: I've just noticed Lorac is having it's VIP Sale online ( offering the same discounts.  You have another direct shipping option, though they only ship to the USA (50 states). Hautelook ships to PR and Canada.  Just wanted to let you know.

¡Vivan, amen y rían!

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