To look beautiful...

Thanks to those of you who shared your opinion on my first poll -- "What do you emphasize the most when doing your makeup?". 14 votes, yes!  LOL.  I see "flawless complexion" got the most votes. I agree, I prefer to have a nice, evened-out complexion when going out so I work my makeup mostly around that.  I'm very self concious about my skin, I have many "issues" to deal with.  I've went to a dermatologist this past week and, for sure, I have melasma on my face.  I will be starting treatment with 4% hydroquinone this week, let's see how that goes.

So this takes me to my next question-- How far will you go to achieve the look/physique you desire: plastic surgery (anywhere, everywhere), permanent makeup or just classic makeup tricks will do?  Answer on the poll on top of the "about me" section, you can select multiple answers.  Also, leave your thoughts here on the "Comments" area.  Share with me!

Plastic Surgery Pictures, Images and Photos

Image: Matchstick01 @

I have seen articles like this and this other one and I am just....eeeekkk!  (wow, the paparazzi really love to get pics like these). Who were the surgeons that operated on these celebrities? Because...damn! I've always thought that maybe when I'm older I will have some work done in the eye area, but I'm not sure. 

PLEASE NOTE:  I do love all things beauty-related but this old cliché is oh-so true---You could be gorgeous, physically perfect, flawless everything, BUT I you are a horrible, rotten person....meh... people with notice the stink really fast.  Just sayin'.

¡Vivan, amen y rían!

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