
I've been flipping though page after page of September magazines and I'm still not done with my stack. I've poured over Allure, Marie Claire, and half of Vogue, and I have yet to touch my Harper's or InStyle. (I didn't pick up Elle because I hate how they reformatted the magazine a year or two ago!) I feel like I'm OD-ing on fashion, trends, and makeup...not to mention frighteningly skinny models and the disgusting use of fur.

Anyway, in all my "reading" here are some products that have me intrigued:
  • Clinique's Vitamin C Lip Smoothie Antioxidant Lip Colour ($17.50). These look like pens, but they're filled with some juicy looking lip colors that brush on and promise healthy, shiny lips. Yum.
  • Elizabeth Arden Pure Finish Mineral Powder Foundation SPF 20 ($37.50). I love mineral foundation, and I love foundations containing SPF. This product looks interesting because you grind the product before each use, so the color is fresh. It says "No waste. No mess. No kidding." Hmmm...mineral makeup is almost always messy. I wonder if the grinding mechanism makes this foundation less messy...or more messy!
  • Bare Minerals Matte SPF 15 Foundation ($28). I love the idea of a matte foundation. Bare Minerals does a great job with foundations, so I am eager to give this one a test. Like the Elizabeth Arden foundation, this one promises to be mess free. Uh-huh.
  • Almost everything from Dolce & Gabbana's Makeup Line. The fashion giant has a full line of products for eyes, lips, and face. They're all beautifully packaged and they look delicious. Now I just need to figure out how to get enough $$ to get my hands on the stuff!
  • Pixi By Petra Strand at Target Wakeup Kit ($34). This kit has everything: tons of eye shadows, blushes, and lip colors to pick from, all in a handy and pretty little box. This is face in a box, and it looks perfect for travelling.
There are tons of other products out there that I can't wait to see. These are just the tip of the iceberg! Are there any products you can't wait to try this? Leave a comment and let me know. ALSO: don't forget to enter my Too Faced Natural Eyes giveaway!

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