Beauty Product of the Week: Dark Angels

What is it? Dark Angels from Lush is "is powerful cleanser designed for young, oily and darker skin – as requested by our customers and inspired by our best-selling cleansing roll. It's got a natural, anti-bacterial cleanser in the form of Rhassoul mud which we buy direct from the mines in Morocco's Atlas Mountains. Powdered charcoal absorbs oil as it gives you a good scrub. Its firm approach is balanced by soothing rosewood and sandalwood essential oils to keep your skin soft." Available at Lush stores or Lush online for $10.95 for 3.5 ounces.

What did you think? I want to love Lush. And why not? They sell yummy smelling (and yummy looking) products that are packed full of fresh, natural ingredients. Their bath bombs and soaps are legendary and they have a homespun feel that is decidedly eco-chic.

Like I say: I want to love Lush, but I rarely ever do. I go into Lush stores with high hopes of finding great products. But I usually walk out empty handed, feeling slightly buzzed from all the fragrances and thoroughly baffled by the products and priced.

I recently visited my local Lush and decided to pick up something for myself--something other than a bath bomb. My purchase was a container of this black muck called Dark Angels. I made sure to ask for directions on how to use the product, since it wasn't immediately obvious.

To use, you take a piece of the black coal and put it in the palm of your hand. Add a little water, rub on to your face, rinse and viola! Done. The coal is supposed to pull out the excess oils in the skin and the other ingredients help to exfoliate.

Here's what I like: my skin feels oh-so soft after I use Dark Angels. Really--the texture of my skin is evened out and velvety soft. I love that! I feel clean and my skin feels tight after using Dark Angels. I also think this product will last for ages. You just use a little bit at a time, so I think I have a year's supply in my bathroom.

Here's what I am not crazy about: the product is messy and it looks like you're washing your face with dirt. Black dirt. It's a little off-putting. Also, the product smells good before you use it, but once it hits your skin, you can really smell the coal...and that ain't hot.

The final verdict? I like the way Dark Angels makes my skin feel, but I do find it difficult and messy to use. If you're a Lush fiend, you'll love this product. I'm satisfied with the results, but I seriously doubt that I'd buy this product again in the future. Oh, and for what it's worth, I would love it if Lush put together a product of the month club where you could join up and try a few different products each month. Now that, I'd subscribe to--if it didn't cost a fortune, of course!

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