10 Worst Hair Straightening Products

Want to get rid of frizz or curls? Steer clear of these products

Looking for a smooth, sleek, straight style? Well, don't attempt one using any of these hair straightening products. readers say the ones on this list left them with poufy, frizzy or worse -- greasy -- hair. Check them out so you know what to avoid.

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No. 10: L'Oreal Paris Vive Pro Smooth Shampoo, $3.99 average reader rating: 6.5

It "made my hair knotted and frizzier than before I had showered..."

No. 9: Dove Smooth & Soft Anti-Frizz Cream, $3.29 average reader rating: 6.3

"When using as directed, my hair looks great for about two hours after styling. Then poof [frizz]!"

No. 8: Got2b CrazySleek Hot Smooth Flat Iron & Blow Dry Lotion, $3.89 average reader rating: 6.2

One reader says, instead of straightening, this product "made my hair CURLIER..."

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