"We Will Never Be Friends!"


Most of you don't know this, but i am TRUE HILLS FAN. I've been dedicated since season one and the drama, romance, rivalry has on gotten more extreme. As the 3 main characters Lauren, Audrina, and Whitney describes the new season yesterday on the premiere show, "overwhelming","romantic", and "emotional", i already understood exactly what they were talking about.

Important things that happened in Episode 1 of season 4:

-Lauren has a date with Doug =D
-Heidi's sister Holly comes into town =]
-Spencer has a bitch fit when she shows up
-Lauren throws Audrina a party for her birthday
-Lo has a bitch fit at Audrina's birthday party and plays with the dog. =/
-Audrina has a bitch fit and barks at Lo. =(
-Holly is thinking about moving to L.A. and Spencer has another bitch fit.

yes people all of this in the first episode. if you don't believe me.
watch it yourself...

imagine the entire season. (gasp) i really cant wait.
stay tune for the next episode airing on Monday at 8pm

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